Hair Transplant Before & After Photos

Actual Patients of Dr. L. Scott Ennis in Boca Raton, Palm Beach Florida

NeoGraft FUE Hair Restoration is the new age of hair transplant. This revolutionary system avoids large, visible incisions and instead provides for nearly imperceptible scarring, minimal downtime and a speedy recovery. NeoGraft hair transplant is not your ordinary hair restoration procedure. It is the least invasive procedure of its kind with no sutures, no scalpel incisions, and no linear scars. This means that your downtime will be minimal.

An Introduction to NeoGraft

In addition, using the NeoGraft FUE hair restoration procedure, larger areas can be transplanted in a single session, reducing the need for subsequent procedures and getting you more quickly to the coverage you desire. NeoGraft technology uses pneumatic pressure to extract individual follicles, protecting the delicate transplants yielding a better total result. Strip surgery and other methods require more manual manipulation of the follicles which can damage them, impacting the final result.